Werde der Musiker, der du immer sein wolltest

Unsere Mission als music2me ist es den Menschen die Freude und den Mehrwert des musizieren näher zubringen.

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Werde der Musiker, der du immer sein wolltest - starte jetzt!

Träumst du davon, ein Instrument zu spielen und deine musikalischen Fähigkeiten zu entfalten? Bei music2me unterstützen wir dich dabei, diesen Traum Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen.

Wie funktioniert music2me?

Bei music2me findest du eine Vielzahl von professionell erstellten Videokursen und Lektionen für verschiedene Instrumente. Ob Gitarre, Klavier oder Schlagzeug – unsere Kurse sind so konzipiert, dass sie sowohl Anfängern als auch Fortgeschrittenen gerecht werden.

Jeder Kurs ist strukturiert aufgebaut und begleitet dich Schritt für Schritt auf deinem musikalischen Weg.

Nutze deine Zeit sinnvoll

Anstatt endlos durch Social Media zu scrollen, investiere deine Zeit in etwas Sinnvolles. Mit music2me kannst du das Instrument lernen, das du schon immer beherrschen wolltest.

Nutze die Flexibilität, um in kleinen oder großen Schritten deinem Ziel näher zu kommen und entdecke die Freude am Musizieren.

Deine Mentoren

Unsere ausgebildeten Musiker helfen dir, dein musikalisches Potenzial zu entfalten, indem sie ihre umfangreiche Erfahrung und Leidenschaft für Musik mit dir teilen.

Mirco Sontag

Our guitar teacher Mirco is your man when it comes to songs. Whether it's a legendary rock anthem or a ballad plucked on the acoustic guitar - Mirco will explain the songs to you piece by piece before you can play them with our custom-made accompaniment.

Like Thomas, Mirco studied classical guitar at the University of Giessen and also studied music education. He has been working as a guitar teacher since 1993 and for music2me since 2015.

  • Mirco Sontag
    Thomas Dill

    The guitar course is developed and led by Thomas Dill. He draws on his many years of experience as a professional guitarist and guitar teacher, through which he knows exactly what is really important when learning and playing the guitar. From the first fingerings on the guitar, reading notes and tablatures to the pounding of powerful solos - Thomas will guide you through the world of the guitar. And if you get stuck, Thomaswill be happy to help you with your guitar problems in our support. Thomas studied classical guitar at the University of Giessen and electric guitar at MGI Cologne. Since then he works as a guitar teacher, freelance musician, producer and also as an author at Bonedo.de.

  • Thomas Dill
    Yacine Khorchi

    Yacine Khorchi is the brain behind our piano course. With more than 15 years of experience as a professional pianist, piano teacher and pedagogue, he ensures lots of fun and maximum learning progress for our students. From selecting the pieces and preparing the sheet music to delivering explanations in the videos and answering piano specific questions in the support team, Yacine really does everything to pave the way for you to become a pianist.

    Yacine studied piano for five years at the Hochschule für Musik in Würzburg and completed his studies with a diploma and additional concert diploma. In 2011, he founded the online music school music2me together with his school friend Andreas Kraus. He is also a sought-after live and studio musician.

  • Yacine Khorchi

    Deine Gitarren Mentoren

    Unsere ausgebildeten Musiker helfen dir, dein musikalisches Potenzial zu entfalten, indem sie ihre umfangreiche Erfahrung und Leidenschaft für Musik mit dir teilen.

    Thomas Dill

    The guitar course is developed and led by Thomas Dill. He draws on his many years of experience as a professional guitarist and guitar teacher, through which he knows exactly what is really important when learning and playing the guitar. From the first fingerings on the guitar, reading notes and tablatures to the pounding of powerful solos - Thomas will guide you through the world of the guitar. And if you get stuck, Thomaswill be happy to help you with your guitar problems in our support. Thomas studied classical guitar at the University of Giessen and electric guitar at MGI Cologne. Since then he works as a guitar teacher, freelance musician, producer and also as an author at Bonedo.de.

  • Thomas Dill
    Mirco Sontag

    Our guitar teacher Mirco is your man when it comes to songs. Whether it's a legendary rock anthem or a ballad plucked on the acoustic guitar - Mirco will explain the songs to you piece by piece before you can play them with our custom-made accompaniment.

    Like Thomas, Mirco studied classical guitar at the University of Giessen and also studied music education. He has been working as a guitar teacher since 1993 and for music2me since 2015.

  • Mirco Sontag

    Dein Klavier Mentor

    Unsere ausgebildeten Musiker helfen dir, dein musikalisches Potenzial zu entfalten, indem sie ihre umfangreiche Erfahrung und Leidenschaft für Musik mit dir teilen.

    Yacine Khorchi

    Yacine Khorchi is the brain behind our piano course. With more than 15 years of experience as a professional pianist, piano teacher and pedagogue, he ensures lots of fun and maximum learning progress for our students. From selecting the pieces and preparing the sheet music to delivering explanations in the videos and answering piano specific questions in the support team, Yacine really does everything to pave the way for you to become a pianist.

    Yacine studied piano for five years at the Hochschule für Musik in Würzburg and completed his studies with a diploma and additional concert diploma. In 2011, he founded the online music school music2me together with his school friend Andreas Kraus. He is also a sought-after live and studio musician.

  • Yacine Khorchi

    Verbessere deine Spieltechnik durch Musiktheorie

    Verstehe die Grundlagen und fortgeschrittenen Konzepte der Musiktheorie, um deine Spieltechnik zu verbessern und dein musikalisches Verständnis zu vertiefen. Mit einem soliden theoretischen Fundament spielst du sicherer und kreativer.

    Verbessere deine Spieltechnik durch Musiktheorie

    Verstehe die Grundlagen und fortgeschrittenen Konzepte der Musiktheorie, um deine Spieltechnik zu verbessern und dein musikalisches Verständnis zu vertiefen. Mit einem soliden theoretischen Fundament spielst du sicherer und kreativer.

    Unsere Highlights für dich

    Entdecke die Vorteile von music2me - egal, ob du gerade erst anfängst oder bereits Erfahrung hast – music2me ist dein zuverlässiger Partner auf dem Weg zum Musiker, der du immer sein wolltest.

    Starte noch heute und erlebe, wie viel Spaß es macht, ein Instrument zu spielen!

    Get your 7-day free trial now
    Von Profis lernen

    Lege Dir einen Bereich fest, der in Endlosschleife gespielt werden soll. So kannst Du auch richtig knifflige Passagen besonders gut üben. Natürlich ist diese Funktion auch kombinierbar mit der Videogeschwindigkeitsfunktion.

    Von Profis lernen

    Lege Dir einen Bereich fest, der in Endlosschleife gespielt werden soll. So kannst Du auch richtig knifflige Passagen besonders gut üben. Natürlich ist diese Funktion auch kombinierbar mit der Videogeschwindigkeitsfunktion.

    Von Profis lernen

    Lege Dir einen Bereich fest, der in Endlosschleife gespielt werden soll. So kannst Du auch richtig knifflige Passagen besonders gut üben. Natürlich ist diese Funktion auch kombinierbar mit der Videogeschwindigkeitsfunktion.

    Von Profis lernen

    Lege Dir einen Bereich fest, der in Endlosschleife gespielt werden soll. So kannst Du auch richtig knifflige Passagen besonders gut üben. Natürlich ist diese Funktion auch kombinierbar mit der Videogeschwindigkeitsfunktion.

    Nutze music2me auf allen gängigen Geräten

    Du kannst music2me ganz einfach über den Browser nutzen oder unsere App dowloaden.

    Jetzt 7 Tage gratis testen


    Basically it is possible to play our exercises and pieces with any keyboard instrument. A piano or digital piano/keyboard/e-piano with 88 keys (complete keyboard) and two pedals would be ideal. If you have a keyboard with fewer keys (e.g. 61 keys) and/or no pedals, you can still play most of the content. For some pieces, the distances may be greater than for your instrument at home. Nevertheless, the pieces may be replayed (with restrictions).

    music2me is an online music school for piano and guitar. The learning material, including video lessons and sheet music, was designed and produced by experienced music teachers and professional musicians. Our design team ensures that you get a visual impression of what you’re playing so you don’t miss a note.

    music2me has been used successfully for many years by music enthusiasts of all ages at different levels of proficiency and is equally suitable for beginners and advanced players. Our online courses are particularly interesting for everyone who would like to learn an instrument independent of a defined time and location.

    In addition to an Internet connection, you need a device for playing the videos. music2me runs on almost all popular PCs, Macs, tablets and smartphones.

    Apart from that, as with any other music lesson, all you need is an instrument and a certain amount of motivation and fun.

    The first 7 days after registration are free for you. If you cancel your registration within this period, you will not be charged anything. In addition, individual videos are also available for free after registration without an ongoing membership. For the full scope of the course, however, a paid membership is required.

    Das erwartet dich im Gitarrenkurs

    Basically it is possible to play our exercises and pieces with any keyboard instrument. A piano or digital piano/keyboard/e-piano with 88 keys (complete keyboard) and two pedals would be ideal. If you have a keyboard with fewer keys (e.g. 61 keys) and/or no pedals, you can still play most of the content. For some pieces, the distances may be greater than for your instrument at home. Nevertheless, the pieces may be replayed (with restrictions).

    music2me is an online music school for piano and guitar. The learning material, including video lessons and sheet music, was designed and produced by experienced music teachers and professional musicians. Our design team ensures that you get a visual impression of what you’re playing so you don’t miss a note.

    music2me has been used successfully for many years by music enthusiasts of all ages at different levels of proficiency and is equally suitable for beginners and advanced players. Our online courses are particularly interesting for everyone who would like to learn an instrument independent of a defined time and location.

    In addition to an Internet connection, you need a device for playing the videos. music2me runs on almost all popular PCs, Macs, tablets and smartphones.

    Apart from that, as with any other music lesson, all you need is an instrument and a certain amount of motivation and fun.

    The first 7 days after registration are free for you. If you cancel your registration within this period, you will not be charged anything. In addition, individual videos are also available for free after registration without an ongoing membership. For the full scope of the course, however, a paid membership is required.

    Es ist nie zu spät ein Instrument zu lernen.

    Unsere Mission als music2me ist es den Menschen die Freude und den Mehrwert des musizieren näher zubringen.

    Wir haben schon öfters Nachrichten bekommen in denen Schüler verunsichert sind wegen Alter, Musiktheorie oder “Talent”. Unsere Antwort: Es ist nie zu spät ein Instrument zu lernen, ob mit oder ohne Theorie Kenntnisse, wir von music2me sind der festen Überzeugung das jeder ein Instrument spielen und so die Freude am Musik machen erfahren kann.